Venus has been the planet to watch in 2012, with her big transit to the Sun on June 5 following two extraordinary eclipses. Just prior to the transit, she had traveled further out of bounds than she will be for another 200 years. On June 12, shortly after her Solar Transit, she appeared in the morning sky at heliacal rise, beginning a new Synodic cycle in Gemini.
Gemini is clearly a leading archetype at this time, with two New Moons in Gemini from May to June including the Total Solar Eclipse at 0 Gemini and the Solstice New Moon at 29 Gemini; the Gemini Venus transit to the Sun; South Node in Gemini; and Jupiter moving into the sign on June 11th. At the heart of this transition, the Venus Synodic cycle points to the emergence of the new Gemini Feminine Principal, activated over the course of Venus’s 1 ½ year cycle.
Gemini Goddess: Restoring the Magical Feminine
The big question for us all now is this: just who is the Gemini Sacred Feminine, and how might this cycle impact us all? As a Gemini Moon woman myself I can tell you—she is not easy to pin down, or define. In fact, “undefinable” may be the only definition that fully “sticks” for her. Yet in the context of this cycle I see her as “Butterfly Woman” as she embodies the spirit qualities of the Butterfly and is approaching a profound metamorphosis cycle.
The Gemini Goddess is the Magical Woman; She Who Walks between the Worlds. She is a “new version” for our patriarchal culture. We hardly know who she is; she has been invisible for many years now—at least in the world of adults. As children, we know her well—she speaks to us through the language of the fairies, and wild animals. Within the adult realm, we still hold an image of the magical masculine within our cultural myths—the Merlin, the magician, the alchemist—yet the magical feminine is only now beginning to resurface.
The feminine qualities most valued over the past several thousand years fall within the realm of householder. A woman’s value and worth have been measured by her ability to be responsible and dependable; her ability to bear and nurture healthy, strong children; to honor and support her mate, family, and community, to manage the day-to-day workings of the home. In the modern realm of romantic love, she is loved most for her physical beauty, receptivity, and responsiveness to the masculine.
Only recently have we begun to see the qualities of a free spirit, cerebral intelligence, dedication to the spiritual path, and irreverent wisdom as authentic, positive feminine traits in their own right. The Gemini path to magic is located somewhere between the realm of the human and that of the fairy, animal, and plant spirits. She is like a higher vibration of the humanity—the sacred human. Like a female Hermes, the Gemini Goddess is most capable of traveling between the worlds, and exploring multiple layers of reality.
Bridging the Masculine Feminine Divide
More than any other sign, Gemini has the ability to thrive in the fertile intersection between masculine and feminine energies. We live in a time where the masculine and feminine are both under dramatic revision. Gemini is assisting us in releasing the rigid gender roles that have caused pain and separation between men and women, as well as between humanity and the living Earth.
I imagine the vast stores of creative energy, joy, and capacity for full self-expression we are opening into at this time, as we learn to see the full diversity of human expression, unleashed from the confines of constricting roles between men and women, and within our own psyches. This is not about everyone becoming androgynous beings—but all of us learning to play with polarity in ways that expand our human potential.
We need the ability to stretch, to imagine, to play, to recreate ourselves. We need the tools and playground consciousness that will allow us to shape-shift, and experiment as we seek the forms that serve humanity, the Earth, and the next seven generations moving forward.
Scorpio and Gemini as Magical Goddesses
We now have the full empowerment of Scorpio (completion of Venus in Scorpio cycle just prior to this Gemini cycle), and the emergence of Gemini as the leading energies of the Sacred Feminine. Scorpio is the other version of the Goddess most linked to magic. For her, the path to magic is through intensity, depth of emotion and experience. It is kinesthetic, organic, and rooted in the deepest, wateriest mysteries of the Earth’s body and life force itself.
When Venus completes a full cycle in a sign, this represents a full initiatory death and rebirth of that expression of the Goddess. The full rebirth and emergence of the initiated Scorpio Goddess, which we experienced profoundly in late April and May, signals our ability to ally ourselves with mature, wise, and evolved Scorpio Feminine energies as we enter the second half of 2012–which is increasingly dominated by Scorpio, as Saturn and the North Node enter that sign in September and October.
Thriving in the Between Spaces
What do Scorpio and Gemini have to teach us about navigating our changing world? What they both have in common is a certain level of “wildness,” and skill at navigating change. Neither can be easily controlled, or manipulated. In very different ways, both Scorpio and Gemini are able to work creatively in the “between spaces.” They thrive in the fertile, liminal, chaotic periods at the beginning and end of things.
Gemini is also the Muse and Messenger. At the Turning of the Ages, it is she who whispers in our ears the New Stories, the New Songs that will take root as we move forward. What we have been integrating from Scorpio is an increased capacity to face our fears, to allow the old structures and forms to fall apart and regenerate into new, fresh forms. Gemini now helps us listen into and receive the message of what those new forms may be.
So it is that we have special guidance and support through both the Scorpio Feminine and Gemini feminine as we navigate the depths of the Underworld transformation (and rebirth) of 2012 and beyond. Both of these Goddesses are masters at navigating this terrain–Scorpio helps us immerse us into the initiation fully, so that we allow ourselves to be fully transformed, and made new. Gemini offers a contrasting lightness of spirit that can, paradoxically, help us come up for air when we must.
In the midst of all the intensity we feel with the emergence of the Scorpio Feminine, the Pluto Uranus square, and multiple other aspects that reflect continued breakdown of our old world, the movement of Venus and Jupiter into Gemini suggests the wisdom of moving into a place of trust, adventure, and excitement around the unknown. We are all learning to approach life with the crazy wisdom of the Fool willing to experiment, make mistakes, and dive into the Void with absolute trust, and maybe even a little bit of exhilaration!
Is this Venus Cycle a personal return for you? Learn more here.
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