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Cheryl Angel is an indigenous leader, wise (Sioux) Lakota elder woman, mother of five children, and lifelong devoted water protector who helped initiate and maintain the Standing Rock camp since April 2016, and who was vital in the nonviolent resistance to the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines. Her voice among the water protectors is one of integrating deep prayer with nonviolent direct action, guiding two women-led actions at Standing Rock. A spiritual activist from the Sicangu (Rosebud) tribe — one of the seven tribes that conform the Lakota/Nakota/Dakota People in the Great Plains of North America — Cheryl moves from a deep space of love and nonviolence as guided by her ancestors and Lakota traditions and ways of being.
Learn more about Cheryl through this interview on her Sovereign Sisters Project in The Esperanza Project HERE.

Tzeliee-kame Ramírez: Wixarika student. One of his dreams is to support his indigenous communities to achieve well-being. He is passionate about nutrition and health. He loves to write poetry as well as to help rescue his culture and traditions, as he considers that a duty of every young indigenous person.

Alberto Ruz Buenfil (born 1945) is a native of Mexico whose work is dedicated to social change, environmental sustainability, and the performing arts. He co-founded two international theater groups as well as Mexico’s first ecovillage, known as Huehuecoyotl. He led the 13-year Rainbow Peace Caravan, an international effort to promote sustainable design and permaculture, as well as theatrical performances, across seventeen countries of Latin America. He was also funded by Ashoka from 2002 to 2005, and received in the name of the Rainbow Peace Caravan, the prize “Escuela Viva” from the Brazilian President Lula da Silva and Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil, as one of the 60 most advanced projects in education in the country.
Ruz is the author of several books. At his return in 2009 from South America, he was invited to be part of a team at the ‘Direction of Culture’ of Coyoacán, México DF, where he created the project Ecobarrios and took it for three years to 10 different pueblos and barrios from that part of the city. From January to November 2013 he was Director of Environmental Culture in the state of Morelos, since 2014, he has been an adviser to the “Asamblea Legislativa”, from Mexico City, on the subject of the recently adopted Law of Rights of Mother Earth. He organized the 1st Global Forum for the Rights of Mother Earth in Mexico city, from June 1 to 5. His main purpose today is to contribute to the Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth at the United Nations. He lives in Huehuecóyotl and travels around the world as a keynote speaker in different Forums and for all kind of publics.

Luix Saldaña is coordinator and creator of the Vision Council’s Art and Culture Council.
In his personal and spiritual search for him, Luix has been a walker of many paths; he has traveled from the Tijuana psychedelic rock scene in the late 1960s to the Avandaro festival in the 1970s; from active participation in the funk, jazz and African pop scene of San Francisco, California, to the rainbow gatherings of North America; from tipi ceremonies with North American Lakota indigenous families in South Dakota to the research and practice of indigenous sacred songs, from professional learning of traditional African rhythms to the discovery of one’s own roots; from the facilitation of drum circles in prisons and prisons to the rhythmic facilitation with executives of transnational companies; from peace, anti-nuclear and environmental activism to participation in the eco-village movement and for more than 30 years being part of the seed group of the Vision Council – Guardians of the Earth

Angélica Almazán Escalante is a Mexican songwriter and journalist, Janzu therapist, translator and co-editor of The Esperanza Project residing in Bacalar, Quintana Roo when she’s not on the road.

Laurie Gosselin, whose Spirit name is Red Medicine Thunderbird Woman, inspires women to courageously imagine what’s possible and to deepen their connection to the feminine. Born in Saskatchewan, she is of Dakota/Cree/European descent and a member of the Muscowpetung Saulteaux Nation in Canada. She is a certified Qoya teacher, Daring to Rest facilitator and Culinary Nutrition Expert holding a Master of Arts degree in Leadership.

Full name: Patricia Noelle Romero Litvin
Date of birth: August 26, 1953 in Mexico City. Daughter of two plastic artists, I grew up with music, colors, smells, flavors and the warm touch of love. This has been the biggest influence on the artistic side of my life as I am an oil painter.
Professional Studies: Latin American University, UNAM and University of Kansas: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Human Development. (1976) University of Kansas: Master’s in Human Development and Family Life (1979).
1979: Presentation of Master Thesis at the American Psychological Association (APA) in Toronto Canada.
1979-1981: Member of the Faculty of Psychology at the National School of Professional Studies, Iztacala.
1981: Social Work Coordinator for Mexican Fishery Products in Cancun, Quintana Roo.
1982.2000 Married and mother of a family.
2002-to date: Member of the Movement of 13 Moons of 28 days for Peace. Teaching on the Dreamspell and Calendar of 13 Moons of 28 days.
2006 to date: Member of Organi-K A.C.
2004 -2007: Business English Teacher
2008-2012: Coordination of the Green Circle for the Commission for the Integral Management of Solid Waste of Mexico City.
2010- Coordination of the Green Circle Pavilion at Pepenafest.
2010- 2012: Member of the Staff of the Ecobarrios Coyoacán Project. 2018 to date: Representative of the Foundation for the Law of Time in the International Association for the Rights of Mother Earth.
2012-to date, Freelance in Environmental Education.
2021 to date small business creator and owner of Cannalquimia, Earth cosmetics.
Favorite topics: Ecobarrios, urban gardens, medicinal/food sovereignty, art, Law of Time and activism on natural cosmetics.

Odin Ruz has been a CEO and Consultant for Organi-K Group CEO, Senior Consultant for UNEP and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. He has supported in the design of five demonstration farms in Peru and Colombia, design and construction of the Ecological Ecovillage Oztopulco, Tepoztlan Morelos, design and construction of the Ecological Ecovillage, Playa Viva Permacultural Designer Project that seeks to be a national example of ecological development, nature reserve, restoration of mangroves and sustainable production systems. He was the coordinator of the Itinerant Expo of Eco-Technology and environmental awareness in Tajín Summit, and the World Social Forum. He was teacher and coordinator of the International Ecohabitat Diploma. Open diplomas in the Huehuecoyotl ecovillage. Advisor to UNEP for the elaboration of agricultural measures based on ecosystems and adaptation to climate change, construction of the Ecological House of Chapultepec, Cuernavaca. Morelos among many other projects.

Bio Fernanda Coatl Artivist, Psychobody Therapist and Biosocial Pollinator. Focused on the exploration of consciousness through maps of breathing in movement and psimbotic herbalism. At the service of the Council of Visions, Huerto Roma Verde and Weaving Wisdom. Co-creator of Uxamigua Nómada and Movimiento Psicoporal.

BIOGRAPHY: Fernando Ausin is an international social entrepreneur with a strong passion for social justice and global sustainability. For the past 15 years, he has been studying the promise of survival for humanity from an indigenous perspective, travelling across 48 states in the US and most of Mexico to learn from scientists, academics and indigenous elders. He is the Co-Founder and Executive Director to BioTU, where he helps transmit their lessons to younger generations. He holds a BA in Latin American politics from Dartmouth College and has worked extensively as a consultant, educator and healer around the globe. For more information about Fernando, you can visit Fernando Ausin-Gómez on Facebook.

Arun is the third generation of ecovillagers in the Huehuecoyotl community, Mexico and has a degree in Permaculture from UFLP. He is currently dedicated to the environmental coordination of a work team focused on sustainable and cultural development in Baja California Sur. Arun grew up in the social environment where different regenerative movements originated in Mexico and Latin America that have focused on promoting the development of human consciousness through art, ecology and culture, integrating science and the worldview of indigenous people and on how to live in Harmony with Nature.