Reclaiming the True Power of Venus Retrograde

By Tami Brunk

On Friday, October 5, Venus begins a 42-day retrograde journey completing when it stations direct on November 16.  Conventional Astrology views planet as the planet of Love and Money.  From this perspective retrograde is a period where Venus is constricted, and caution is advised in making major decisions in the areas of relationship and finance.

This mundane perspective may hold value to some but if we leave it at that, we miss the sacred dimension of this enormously significant Venus Retrograde phase.  Within the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm we understand Venus Retrograde occurs with the planet at its closest to Earth and so at greatest strength.  We also view Venus as the Feminine Principle expressed through various archetypes of the Goddess.

Venus Morning Star Rise Significance Across Cultures

Ancient civilizations from Mesoamerica to Mesopotamia engaged the onset of Venus Retrograde as a time of preparation for major ceremonies to celebrate the heliacal rise or pre-sunrise appearance of Venus as Morning Star.  Within our current Venus Retrograde Cycle, Morning Star Venus will rise in the east in the sign of Libra on November 1, beginning the first Libra Venus Cycle of our lifetime.

Venus as Seen Through the Sumerian Inanna Descent Story

Shamanic Astrology honors diverse cultural views of the Venus Cycle with a special emphasis on the ancient Sumerian perspectives. Their Sacred Myth, the Descent of the Goddess Innana, literally describes the mechanics of the Venus Cycle while providing a ceremonial container for individual and collective engagement the Death Rebirth initiation of Venus’s 584 1/2 day cycle.

Since founding Venus Alchemy in 2014, Cayelin Castell and I have guided over 200 women and men through the entire Venus Cycle as guided by the Inanna Descent Myth.  We begin each ceremonial journey following Venus’s rise as Morning Star. The sign Venus rises in represents the Meta Goddess, or Archetype of the Feminine on the world stage during that Venus Cycle.

Our current Venus Retrograde straddles the ending of an Aries Venus Cycle and the beginning of a Libra Venus Cycle.

Breakdown of Our 2018 Venus Retrograde Cycle as Seen Through the Inanna Descent Story And Suggestions for How to Work With It!

October 5-26:  Evening Star Venus Completing the Aries Venus Cycle.  The Great Goddess Inanna, as the Aries Goddess, has completed her initiation, claimed her crown, and is now integrating the experiences of the past 19-month Cycle as the Aries Goddess, Fierce Warrior Woman on the world stage.

Ceremonial Action:  Integration time.
Look back over the full Venus in Aries Cycle beginning March 31, 2017.  Where do you see the Bold, Courageous Aries Goddess coming alive within you?  In the broader culture?  #MeToo and Time’s Up Movement anyone?  Wonder Woman? Oprah’s Golden Globe Awards Speech? Black Panther? Christine Blasey Ford?

October 26 to October 31: Metamorphosis. Venus is at interior conjunction with the Sun, passing between the Earth and Sun from our perspective.  To the ancients this would have been a time when the Goddess or Venus was in the Underworld, undergoing a very quick and dramatic death and rebirth.

This is the time where the Aries Goddess undergoes a complete and total metamorphosis.  Like the Caterpillar in the Cocoon, she is preparing to be reborn into a completely new Archetype of the Goddess.  In this case she is preparing to be born as the Libra Goddess.

Ceremonial Action: Take time for meditation, prayer, introspection.  Surrender to the Goddess What Stands in the Way of Your Whole Hearted Embodiment of the Goddess/God You were Born to Be. Be willing to be Born Anew.

Consider your intention for the new Libra Venus Cycle. Themes include:  Where in my relationships–within myself, with Mother Earth, my partner, my children, the God/dess, am I seeking the deepest transformation and re-balancing?

November 1:Near this date Venus first appears as Morning Star, rising in the East prior to Sunrise.

Ceremonial Action: Celebrate and Make Your Offering. Consider now where you would like to be to see Venus as Morning star for the first time on or after November 1. If you are able, find a sacred site near you with a good view to the east for Sunrise. Otherwise a spot where you can view the sunrise near you is perfect.

Set aside one morning for ceremony and go out an hour and a half before sunrise to honor Venus.  Please note that it is possible, depending on your horizon line and latitude, that you will not see Venus Morning star until several days, a week or more after heliacal rise.

Choose an offering to make to the Goddess.  Make Your Offering–Maybe your Moon Blood, tobacco, cornmeal and your heartfelt sincere prayer of gratitude.  Maybe declare your intention for this Venus in Libra Cycle.  For example, my intention is this: “I Now Step Into a Brand New Blueprint for Passionate Purposeful Partnership. I Open to Allow the Universe to Dazzle and Surprise Me With This Strong, Passionate, Creative, Joyful, Ecstatic and Grounded Union!”

November 1 to November 16: Venus remains bright and close to the Earth as she completes her retrograde journey.  In the Inanna Journey this is when the Great Goddess is gathering her strength, preparing for her 8 month descent into the Underworld.

Ceremonial Action:  Gather Your Forces. Now is the time to establish healthy routines and flow in your life, to strengthen yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, so as to be fully prepared for your initiation.

Learn more about  the Venus Cycle and Inanna Myth HERE.

Learn more and enroll in our new Venus in Libra Cycle Initiatory Journey HERE!