Full Program and Bios for Call of the Turtle Vision Council Gathering Available AT THIS LINK!
The Restoring Sacred Culture Across the Americas Convergence
The intent of this new month-long Restoring Sacred Culture Across the Americas Convergence is to bridge the worlds of spirituality, ecology, indigenous wisdom and visionary activism with a focus on the Americas or “Turtle Island” as many indigenous nations view the continents.
From the perspective of astrology the years 2016-2025 are a portal of transformation, the heart of the Age Change with the Americas in the crosshairs for this necessary cultural rebirthing–and the U.S. as the needed epicenter for this cultural renewal.The astrological signs in the skies are underscored by indigenous prophecies coming to fruition all across the Americas: The Eagle and the Condor, the Return of Pachakuti, Hopi prophecies among many others.
As well, within this window we see an extraordinary series of eclipses crisscrossing the continent between 2017-2024. Historic evidence suggests the Haudenosaunee (commonly known as the Iroquois) Confederacy was founded following an eclipse crossing their territories in 1142.
They are a northeast North American indigenous nation that deeply inspired and informed the most progressive elements of the U.S. Constitution. As a core element of the Confederacy’s founding, they established a Great Law of Peace between previously warring tribes and created a rich, thriving and peaceful culture.
Perhaps this is our time to establish our own version of a Great Law of Peace, to create strong bonds between the people north and south as suggested by the Eagle and Condor prophecies from the territories of modern day Peru and to bring alive a culture founded in beauty, love of land, and concern for our future generations.
The Vision of the Restoring Sacred Culture Convergence is as Follows:
Seed a vision for Turtle Island (the Americas) of a vibrant, healthy, sacred human culture interwoven with Earth intelligence and ecosystems for mutual thriving
Focus the primal, powerful energies of the 2016-2025 Age Change Portal to rebirth a sacred human culture in harmony with Earth and Cosmos
Experience the wisdom and practical insight of eco-elders, indigenous wisdom keepers, astrologers, world changers and vision carriers who will plant the vivid, tangible seeds of a beautiful new future for ourselves and our future ancestors into our hearts and minds.
Opening Presentation by Earth Sky Woman Tami Brunk:
Restoring Sacred Culture Across the Americas

Convergence Host Earth Sky Woman Tami Brunk
Tami Brunk, MS, BA founder of the Earth Sky Woman Collective and Podcast, co-founder of Venus Alchemy is an Earth Mystic, Astrologer and Dream Healer helping world changers, visionaries, healers and earth-lovers empower their work with the ancient tools of Sky Alchemy and Earth Dreaming.
She is a fully Certified Shamanic Astrologer and past president of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, and fully certified Active Dreaming Teacher. She is also a certified Permaculture designer,, Reiki II Practitioner, co-founder of the Marda Permaculture Farm in the West Bank of Palestine, and Co-founder of Urban Ecovillage incubator Querencia Green.
Her life passion is to empower activists, world changers, healers and pragmatic visionaries through her work with astrology, earth ceremony, dreamwork, and collective Earth Dreaming practices.
From 2016 to 2025 the Americas with the U.S. at its epicenter is the heart of where necessary culture change is needed to pull our species back from the brink of mass ecocide and into an era of wholesale regeneration for the earth body and the soul of humanity.
This talk will explore indigenous prophecy, eclipse lines across the Americas between 2016-2025, other astronomical/astrological features of our Turning of the Ages, Pluto Return for the U.S. and more.
We were honored to be joined in our conversation Cheryl Angel, a Sicangu Lakota Spiritual Activist and Water Protector. She told us of gold mining operations in the Black Hills, the “heart of the world,” and told us actions are needed there.
To support organizations on the ground impacting change there you can follow the Black Hills Clean Water Alliance HERE.
Eco-Sapien Speaker Series
Every day from 1:00 to 2:30 pm CDT, I will featured interviews–most live, with some pre-recorded–with the “new eco-sapiens:” These will be indigenous visionaries and activists, eco-elders in the fields of bioregionalism, ecovillage design, permaculture, earth-regeration, living sky astrologers, oracles, women’s empowerment and humans I see as embodying or helping us connect to our animist root and restore elements of sacred culture .
Opening Speaker and Call of the Turtle Min i Vision Council Convener Tracy L Barnett

Inspiration From The South: The Esperanza Project
Tracy L Barnett Tracy L. Barnett is the founding editor of The Esperanza Project, a bilingual magazine covering the protagonists of social change movements in the Americas. She is an author, journalist and photographer specializing in environmental issues, indigenous rights and sustainable travel. She has served as editor and reporter at newspapers in five different states and is now freelancing from her base in Guadalajara, Mexico.
She has written in English and Spanish for a wide range of publications including the Washington Post, BBC, USA Today, National Geographic Traveler en Español, Esquire Latin America and Yes! Magazine. She is at work on her first transmedia project, Cosmology & Pandemic: What We Can Learn from Indigenous Responses to the Ongoing Health Crisis, together with Argentine filmmaker colleague Hernán Vilchez. She has mentored scores of young journalists beginning with a dozen years teaching J-School at the University of Missouri.
Tracy will be sharing ways in which Latin Americans have inspired her and so many others, to believe that change is possible. From the Vision Council and its legacy of change wherever it’s gone, to the sea turtle killing fields of Mazunte turned to Turtle tourisme, the creation of Nanciyaga Eco Reserve in Catemaco, to the support of the little town in Jalisco fighting for its water against the big sugar industry… to the Wixarika, who inspired an international movement to save their most sacred site, and now are demanding the return of 10,000 hectares of stolen land with a 100 km march to the president’s palace… to Moira Millan, the Mapuche weychafe or traditional warrior of Patagonia who has organized a movement of 300 Indigenous women from 40 Argentine nations – previously invisible to the world… these are movements and people tapping into the very spirit of the Earth, who will not be defeated, no matter what.
Check out and subscribe to the Esperanza Project Here! www.esperanzaproject.com

Cheryl Angel is an indigenous leader, wise (Sioux) Lakota elder woman, mother of five children, and lifelong devoted water protector who helped initiate and maintain the Standing Rock camp since April 2016, and who was vital in the nonviolent resistance to the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines. Her voice among the water protectors is one of integrating deep prayer with nonviolent direct action, guiding two women-led actions at Standing Rock. A spiritual activist from the Sicangu (Rosebud) tribe — one of the seven tribes that conform the Lakota/Nakota/Dakota People in the Great Plains of North America — Cheryl moves from a deep space of love and nonviolence as guided by her ancestors and Lakota traditions and ways of being.
Learn more about Cheryl through this interview on her Sovereign Sisters Project in The Esperanza Project HERE.

Arun is the third generation of ecovillagers in the Huehuecoyotl community, Mexico and has a degree in Permaculture from UFLP. He is currently dedicated to the environmental coordination of a work team focused on sustainable and cultural development in Baja California Sur.
Arun grew up in the social environment where different regenerative movements originated in Mexico and Latin America that have focused on promoting the development of human consciousness through art, ecology and culture, integrating science and the worldview of indigenous people and on how to live in Harmony with Nature.

Vandee Khalsa Crane: Rematriation and Healing the Mother Wound
Vandee Crane, Canté Waŝté Waŝagya Win, Lakota for “Good Strong Hearted Woman”, was raised by her Maternal Osage Grandmother, Eleanor Grace Crane, a WWII Army Veteran, Nurse, and Artist. In 2008, when Vandee had reached the pinnacle of her trauma and alcohol addiction, she incurred 3 traumatic brain injuries within one year and could no longer function professionally or academically as she previously had.
When she felt like there was no where to go or nothing that could be done, she remembered the Indigenous Wisdoms that her Grandmother had raised her with and began fulfilling her childhood commitments that she had once made. T
he depth of healing and wisdom that she found could only be described as immeasurable. These experiences inspired Vandee to walk away from her career as a mental health clinician and pursuit her dreams of supporting others in finding the healing that they are in need of by supporting women in coming together to heal through culture, connection and conversation.
Cayelin K Castell: Resetting Earth’s Destiny and the Cosmic Time Mysteries
The Greater Cycles of Time including Chronos and Kairos Time, the Uranus North Node conjunction in Taurus that only happens every 167 years as a reset to bring forth a New Garden of Earthly Delight and time and prophecy connected to the 19 year Lunar Standstill

Cayelin K Castell is the co-founder of Venus Alchemy, My Star Alchemy and the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. In addition to writing monthly Celestial Timings for over 25 years, she enjoys sharing these mysteries through personal readings and teaching both Online and Inperson Events, changing lives and perspectives from the visionary understanding that we inform the mysteries as much as they inform us.
Cayelin’s Free Gift

Conversation with Mary Laronde–Coexistence: Vision and Action
In our talk today she will share with us essential tenets of the Anishnaabe worldview, Migwetch/thank you as a way of life, principles of traditional governance, and personal and community responsibility. She will speak of prophecy and lighting the 8th Fire, shared land ethic, bioregion, an indigenous view of economy, and the two jobs we’re given as human beings.
Mary Laronde is Anishinaabe (Ojibway/Algonquin) from Temagami, Ontario, Canada. Temagami is a well-known tourism destination in Northeastern Ontario about 300 miles north of Toronto.She is an elected councillor serving the Teme-Augama Anishnabai (People of the Deep Water) to protect and steward their homeland territory, ka-Daki-Menan (our land).Mary has worked to implement Indigenous rights of self-government and land stewardship for over 40 years. Mary will share her knowledge of Anishinaabe world-view and the vision of coexistence for nDaki-Menan and its People as the way forward to sustained life and peace. “Think globally, act locally, and always know your place.”

Taelin Frasier
One Human’s Healing Love Affair With Gaia
My love affair with Mother nature and how it inspires me to create.
I will share different mediums I use to help transmute old traumas, pain and anger into something peaceful and beautiful.
My name is Taelin, an Earth child passionate about bringing kindness and love into the world. A truly free spirit, here to experience the human condition while trying to maintain my sense of sovereignty. Learn, empathize. I’m an energy worker, singer, songwriter, earth artist, toy maker, hat lover, boot lover, basically a lover. Most of all, I’m myself.

Liora Adler: Retrotopia: Food, Water and Community Security in a De-Industrialized Future
The 1972 Limits to Growth report from the Club of Rome is increasingly relevant despite having been written 50 years ago. Climate disruption, increasing food and water insecurity as well as human trauma creating irrational decision making on all levels, speak to the falsity of the myth of progress which is, in fact, the driver of the current wholesale destruction of planetary support systems.
De-industrializing, creating (a la John Michael Greer) Retrotopias by returning to the simpler tech solutions that were abundant in the years prior to the mega waves of technological and industrial production following the turn of the century, is a rational and graceful way to support the re-emergence of sustainable community living on our planet.
Moreover, focusing on the regeneration and the restoration of our ecosystems is a means to avoid some of the most dire consequences of our human folly. Ecovillages and ecocities, ecosystem restoration camps, a small farm future and support for refugees and displaced persons are some of the critical community functions we need to develop if we are emerge from this global crisis with sane systems for economies, governance, food production, water retention, land distribution, dealing with human conflicts and eliminating colonialism and oppression.
Liora is a visionary social actionist, educator, facilitator, mentor, event organizer and dancer. Raised during the 60’s social movements in the US, she came to understand that protest alone was inadequate for making substantive societal changes. Consequently, throughout the 70’s and 80’s she explored supportive community building that provided both for physical needs and the basic human need for belonging.
In 1982 Liora co-founded a thriving ecovillage, Huehuecoyotl, in central Mexico, and in 1996, a mobile ecovillage and training center, la Caravana Arcoiris por la Paz that for 13 years, shared knowledge of ecological systems and regenerative living while activating ecosocial movements throughout Latin America.
Liora has been a global leader in the ecovillage movement, where she served on the Board of Directors of the Global Ecovillage Network and as a representative to the United Nations. She has spent most of her adult life in Mexico and other parts of Latin America where she also helped form a village women’s sewing cooperative and a men’s campesino collaborative.
She is a fluent Spanish speaker and has significant cultural and socioeconomic sensitivities. She has organized courses, workshops, events and artistic activities for 100s of people, including farmers, indigenous peoples, and permaculture practitioners on 5 continents. She was the lead organizer for the 2003 bioregional gathering of 800 people in Peru: El Llamado del Condor.
As co-founder and co-president of Gaia University, Liora has been intimately involved with its design and development. She also oversees operations, and mentors students and staff. Her feisty, outgoing nature, her capacity to negotiate for practical action in challenging situations and her resonance with people living both very simple and highly complex lives are key to the success of the project.
For the last several years she and Andrew have returned to their home in Mexico and put their attention to the pioneering alternative accreditation system they have been developing: iCAAFS- the International Coalition for the Accreditation of Ancient Future Skills as well as a Regenerative Agriculture project in collaboration with the UNDP and Dept of Organics of the Min of Agriculture in Syria in which they have been training 100+ field and extension agents in permaculture, biointensive and syntropic techniques which they pass along to the local campesinos.
And if that were not enough, she and Andrew have now become the Knowledge Exchange Coordinators of the Ecosystem Restoration Camps Foundation which is supporting Earth Restoration in over 50 Camps globally!
With so much on her plate, these days Liora dances to the tune of “older and bolder”

Divine Harmony: The Age of Aquarius
Divine Harmony is a mother, mystic, astrologer, writer and teacher. With her background in Depth Psychology and Spirituality she works to weave together the Dark and the Light, the mundane and the sacred, the depths and the heights in order to support personal awakening, healing and wholeness. She sees astrology as an amazing alchemical tool for self-understanding and living a more conscious, integrated life. Her work includes teaching at yoga and consciousness festivals, teaching beginner and intermediate astrology classes online, writing extensively and consulting with clients. She has a special interest in the Divine Feminine, the Dark Feminine, Shadow Work, Conscious Relationship and learning how to raise the new children incarnating on the planet today.
FREE GIFT- Masterclass on Anchoring the Age of Aquarius (2 1/2 hour class with guided meditation) https://divineharmony.mykajabi.com/offers/HeJo47Kn FREE LIONS GATE MASTERCLASS happening 8/7 but a replay link will go out afterwards- https://divineharmony.com/astrology-blog/free-masterclass-on-lions-gate-sunday-august-7th-2022-at-2pm-edt/ |

Gaia Speaks: Remembering the Heartbeat of Mother Earth
The spirit world is very clear that we are needed to come back into right relation with ourselves as Earth and ourselves as Cosmos and ourselves as the All That Is.
One major component of this, tied closely to the transit of Uranus in Taurus (and especially highlighted right now as the north node of the moon and Mars will conjunct Uranus) is a need to come back into the intelligence of ourselves as Earth and the co-regulation of our bodies with the “heart beat” and breathing and nervous system of ourselves as Earth and Cosmos and The All That Is.
My second channeled book, Gaia Speaks, speaks very much to this need and gives practical tools for us to do so.
Martha Alter Hines, MSW
For the majority of twenty years, I worked as a clinical social worker and psychotherapist, as well as a body worker and energy healer. In 2018, the spirit world came to me and asked me to begin to channel a series of eight books. That began a wave of change in my life and in my life work.
Over the past four years, I channeled the first three of those eight books (Living the One Light, Gaia Speaks, and The Cosmos Speaks). I am currently working on the next three (Love Speaks, The Goddesses Speak, and The Gods Speak).
The work I do now is focused on helping us all to remember all of who we are as cosmos, Earth, heart, mind, soul, Light, the Divine, and The All That Is.
I do hold healing space for groups and individuals where I use a combination of astrology, energy work, my experience and background in trauma informed work, my abilities to see the energy body, past lives, the spirit world, and my connection with the spirit world itself.
In doing this, I have an approach that is individualized, grounded, and deeply connected to all levels of who a person is and what they may be needing in the moment.
It is a joy to hold healing space for ourselves and our world in this way.
Free Gift: Gaia Speaks–Free E-Book and Channeled Meditation I would love to offer you two free gifts that compliment each other – a digital copy of my second channeled book, Gaia Speaks, as well as an accompanying channeled, guided meditation, “Co-Regulation with Mama Gaia and The All That Is.” Gaia Speaks is a channeled book, a message from Gaia supporting us to come into our natural state of being a “divine tuning fork” in co-creation with her. The free video then is a channeled, guided experience of being held by Gaia herself. I am feeling called to offer these to you now in this time when the north node of the moon is in Taurus, very near Uranus in Taurus, and Mars as well. I hope you enjoy… Please contact me with any questions: livingtheonelight@gmail.com | |
FREE GIFT LINK: https://livingtheonelight.aweb.page |

Erik Roth: Wisdom in the Transitional Age: a Time to Grieve, a Time to Envision and a Time to Plant
We don’t need to belabor the obvious that we exist in a great Turning of the Cosmic Wheel. In this time of transition, shown by various cultures and calendars and astrological ages, it is a time to open our hearts to embrace the transitional age we live in. Using astrology, we can see that the planets are showing us this is a time for immense adjustment and co-creation, along with grieving what has been lost, but also clearing the way to plant a new beginning. The masculine-feminine polarity also needs great healing as it is undergoing a radical rebirthing. It is in this time in the decay of the patriarchy that we must truly show up for ourselves and Gaia.
Erik Roth is a practicing shamanic astrologer since 2010 and and has taught for many years at the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. He is the author of “Sacred Hearth Within: Vesta in Astrology” and is co-facilitating webinars with Cayelin Castell about utilizing the stars experientially through My Star Alchemy.
Erik’s Free Gift: Standing on the Earth, an Experiential Journey This video is an experiential journey through the wisdom of shamanic astrology. Through our senses, we can all experience the Earth-Sky relationship as a “remembering” of why we are here. There is also an introduction to astrology. | |
https://www.inspiralnexus.com/free-gift-for-turtle-island-reborn-convergence/ |

Conversation Topic: One Sacred Body: Melting home to Personal & Planetary Balance
Knowing ourselves and loving ourselves all the way through overwhelming moments can support us to choose authenticity over harmony… to become curious instead of furious, to approach tensions with compassionate communication… to find the courage to stand in our Hearts and “FEEL it to HEAL it”, instead of retreating in fear… or to break through immobilizing inertia to take our own next Heart-guided actions in alignment with our own values and ethics.
We know through research that talking climate is the trailhead to change. Communication leads to illumination, momentum, and movement towards a brighter future. However our own fight or flight responses to an overwhelming topic can hold us back from becoming the creative changes we need and wish to see on earth. Much like integrating our own trauma, or breaking an unhealthy cycle of an inherited family pattern… it takes a lot of courage, compassionate curiosity, support, self love, self responsibility, and a willingness to choose authenticity over harmony. Repairing our greatest connection to Mother Earth…must include repairing our connection to our own Nature. The journey can bring up old, familiar feelings of our own original abandonment, perceived and learned separations.
Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, and increasing our ability to stay with what feels hard… with a loving presence, is what melts us through naturally to more empowered, Heart inspired action and creativity.
Together we must learn to keep our hearts ever open and bridge with LOVE within and without.
Diane Gribbin Bio
Diane’s passion let Love, health, and balance, through from the personal to the planetary led her to degrees in Human Health Sciences (specializing in “HEART health”), Homeopathic Medicine, a Masters in Environmental Science & Sustainability, Somatic Attachment Therapy and 15 years of training and teaching with her Qigong Master, and his Master.
These studies interwove over a decade of river guiding in the Arctic from Alaska to Nunavut where she found her heart song and the courage to let it flow like the wild rivers she traveled.
Her greatest transformation has been the heroine’s journey from her own early birth trauma to becoming a loving mother to her two young children – her greatest teachers of all. Diane’s vision is one of unity and awakening to our interconnections with ALL of life.
She is interested in “being the bridge” melting inner and outer divides to heal into wholeness. After her Homeopathic internship in England she worked for Health Canada as a Scientific Assessment officer of Traditional and Homeopathic Medicine contributing in World Health Organization document reviews during the creation of Canada’ s Natural Health Products Directorate.
Then as a Health Canada Senior Compliance officer in Policy and Risk assessment of Natural Alternatives to Pesticides receiving awards in both these areas. She holds a deep evolving passion for exploring the inter-weavings of Science & Spirituality… Holistic and Conventional medicine… Yin & Yang… to pioneer new ways of supporting healthy thriving life and balance from the personal to the planetary.
Diane founded HeartWood Healing Arts Centre where her classes, teachings, workshops and somatic programs accelerate melting through to natural Health & Balance. LET LOVE WIN! global movement was birthed in response to uncertainty and unrest on the planet.
Like a river rising inside of her she was moved swiftly to launch this global movement on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day to create an accessible affordable safe space for melting anything in the way of love through intentional movement, meditation, feeling, healing, sharing and visioning together in uncertain times.
She believes DEEP self care IS interconnected to EARTH care. There has never been a more important time on the planet to listen to our heart songs and together find the courage to sing balance into being from the personal to the planetary.
Diane’s Free Gift: 1. Free Qigong Video to Increase Vitality! The heart knows the way… and yet how can we keep our hearts open to guide us forward when the overwhelm of these ever changing challenging times creates fight of flight responses in us of self protection and self contraction? Now is not the time to separate. Now is the time to flow.. to bridge with love inwardly and outwardly. We know that HEALTH is FLOW and that we need to be soft and open to receive divine guidance and access our own creativity aliveness and heart body wisdom especially in our hardest moments. But when we feel overwhelmed, our nervous system responses limit our connectivity and creativity. The first step even before simple powerful somatic grounding tools to meet and melt triggers into treasures… ….is to INCREASE our VITALITY. When we are low resourced our capacity to respond with love and creativity (instead of reacting from fear)… becomes blocked or limited. We first need to self focus and self RESOURCE to increase our own inner energy… Then, we have the capacity needed to stay self connected through inner and outer storms. When we learn to stay self connected… we heal our inner divides… and naturally we can begin to bridge outwardly with LOVE… Awakening to embodied interconnectedness and responding to your unique heart guidance to best be of benefit at this pivotal time…. all begins with bridging WITHIN… Being an ambassador to Mother Nature includes being an ambassdor to our own nature. We are ONE BODY. You can begin to inner resource and increase your energy with my free gift: a free Qigong video to boost Vitality! 2. Free Guided Feminine Masculine Inner Balance Journey Masculine & feminine energies are within us all. When the dance of Yin & Yang are in healthy relationship they dance together co-creating natural outward action informed by our hearts and deep inner knowing. Often we are unaware of inner gaps we may need to bridge. Awareness is the universal solvent that helps melt us through into natural balance. Grow new awareness and learn more about the signs that indicate feminine masculine imbalance on a guided journey to unite your inner energies. Sign up to receive my free guided journey. LINK TO FREE GIFT IS HERE: https://heartwoodhealingarts.com/free-qigong-class-pass-qigong-to-increase-vitality-video/ | |

Life as a Love Offering: a Conversation with Rochelle Schieck
Rochelle Schieck loves to move – in her body and around the world. In the last 20 years, she has traveled around the world as a student and teacher leading over 4,000 movement classes, training hundreds of Qoya teachers in 20 different countries, and taking women on over 70 retreats to sacred places in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
Her passion to explore the emerging essence of the feminine in her own life and in movement, coupled with her experience as a personal trainer, certified massage therapist, shamanic energy healer, and her degree in Interdisciplinary Fine Arts have all influenced her creation of the movement system, Qoya. Qoya celebrated her 10 year anniversary on March 1st, 2019. Learn more by reading Rochelle’s book, Qoya: A Compass for Navigating an Embodied Life that is Wise, Wild and Free or trying Qoya yourself by doing our free 10 Days of Qoya Love program where you receive a short video to move to each day.
August 3, 2022 Ecosapien Speaker #13 Gemini Brett

The Four Rs and the Seven Directions
Brett will be joining us today from Haleakala Crater, Maui, Hawaii for a ceremonial offering opening the seven directions and reconnecting us to the sacred astronomy of the living sky. We will have a conversation as well about how astrology is helping us awaken to the animist within, especially when we spend time in ceremony and with an open heart to restore our relationship with the starry realms.
Gemini Brett Bio
Gemini Brett’s terrestrial translations of the celestial conversation, expressed through the ancient arts of sacred geometry, musical harmony, embodied astronomy, and number magic, activate seasoned sages as much as they initiate students new to the cosmic curriculum.
He is a world-renowned astrologer, shamanic StarryTeller, and inspiring educator best known for his devotion to reconnecting astrologers with the sacred astronomy of the living sky.
Brett’s passion, dedication, and innovation were recently honored by the Organization for Professional Astrology who presented him with the 2020 Orion Award for Outstanding Contribution to Astrology.
Enjoy Brett’s Free Gift at the Link Below!
August 2, 2022 EcoSapien Speaker #12 Diana Leafe Christian

Starting a New Ecovillage with Diana Leafe Christian with Live Q and A
Diana Leafe Christian is author of Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities, and Finding Community: How to Join an Ecovillage or Intentional Community. She speaks at ecovillage and cohousing conferences, offers consultations, and leads workshops and online internationally. With the ability to make things simple and clear, and drawing on a deep and broad understanding of community dynamics, Diana encourages effective and harmonious ways for groups to become healthy and thriving, and to resolve the typical interpersonal challenges that can arise in any community.
She teaches online courses and workshops, “Sociocracy for Intentional Communities” (sociocracy is an especially effective self-governance and decision-making method), “Helping Your Community Thrive,” and “Starting a Successful Ecovillage or Intentional Community.” She has taught workshops and spoken at conferences in North and South America, Europe, and Japan.
An Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) trainer for Gaia Education, and editor of Communities magazine for 14 years, Diana has contributed chapters to three Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) and Gaia Education books: Beyond You and Me, Gaian Economics, and Ecovillage: 1001 Ways to Heal the Planet.
She is a Board Member of GEN-US. In 2017 she received the Fellowship for Intentional community’s Kozeny Communitarian Award, a lifetime achievement award for contributions to the US communities movement. Diana lives at Earthaven Ecovillage in North Carolina, U.S.
August 1 EcoSapien Speaker #11 Daniel Giamario

Composting the Shadow of the U.S. with Daniel Giamario
In our conversation Daniel focuses on the the US Pluto return, Chiron Return and Neptune Opposition, the 4 eclipse paths crisscrossing Turtle Island, the non-inevitability of hierarchical patriarchal social organization, the nature of freedom, what it means to be human, and a truer look at the history of the last 10,000 years. We will explore the amazing research of the book: “The Dawn of Everything” and how the tribes and clans of Turtle Island maintained their freedoms.
Daniel Giamario Bio
Daniel Giamario is the Founder and President of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School ™and creator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™, also known as TheGiamarioApproach ™ and TOTAMS Astrology. He joins together an academic background in Comparative Philosophy and Religion, with teaching meditation in two worldwide organizations, and extensive world travel.
Daniel learned astrology in the late 1960’s and was part of Dane Rudhyar’s transpersonal astrology movements in the 1970s. After a vision quest experience on Mount Shasta in 1981, his astrological vision and spiritual path became more Earth centered and a shamanically oriented astrology was born.
For many years, his specialty has been connecting astrology to the night sky at secluded locations and sacred sites in an “As Above -So Below” direct experience. He has been a full time astrological consultant since 1984. He currently has a large mentoring practice and an apprenticeship program.
This astrology has evolved as a rich blend of psychological, mythological, spiritual, and shamanistic elements, specifically designed to assist in the unfoldment of the individual’s life purpose and in navigating this pivotal point of the Turning of the Ages. Daniel has written two books:”The Shamanic Astrology Handbook” and “Origins of The Shamanic Astrology Paradigm”, as well as “The Shamanic Astrology Divination Card Deck”.
Daniel lives with his wife Lynne in South East Asia.
Daniel’s passions are the growing of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School’s body of knowledge, further evolution of the TheGiamarioApproach ™, and continued research to obtain answers to his life-long question: “Who are we? And what has happened?”
and find Daniel and TOTAMS on Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram
Email is danielgiamario@gmail.com
Daniel’s Free Gift
Full Package with more in depth materials with Daniel’s research on the Pluto Return and other features of our Heart of the Turning of the Ages.
July 31, 2022 EcoSapien Talk #10

A Conversation with Laura Valdes Kuri about Bioregionalism, Vision Councils and the Power of Local Action
Laura Valdés Kuri is a facilitator of participatory processes, environmental leader, manager of cultural and environmental projects and agent of change. Laura has over 30 years of experience working with groups with an environmental focus.
Since 1985 her leadership, organizing ability and passion for a more sustainable world have been invested in civil society organizations such as:
• Founder and coordinator of the Bioregional Movement in Mexico and America.• Representative of the Mesoamerican Ecovillage Network (REM) and the Ecovillage Network of the Americas. (1996-2008)
• Team of Environmental Promoters of Tejalpa (EPAT). (1992-2010)
• Founder of Ayotl A.C. (1997-2010)• Coordinator of the Ecological Space within the Solar Millennium 2000 of the ISEA International Solar Energy Association. UNAM.
• Diploma in Sustainable Communities “Ecohabitat”. UNESCO and Gaia.
• Coordinator and founders of the “Council of Visions Guardians of the Earth” event of national and international environmental networks (1991-2017)
• Facilitator of the “Morelos Network of Environmental Justice” (2010-2012)
• Ashoka associate since 2001.
• She is the compiler of the books “Welcome Home, Thought and Bioregional Experience”, edited by the Chamber of Deputies, (2003) and “Ecohabitat, Experiences Heading for Sustainability” edited by CECADESU, SEMARNAT 2006.
• Collaborator of IIFAC, International Institute of Facilitation and Change. Since 2005.• Coordinator of the EcoTlalne Diploma, for environmental promoters of Tlalnepantla 2017-2018)
• She is a facilitator of group processes and congresses, such as the First Forum for the Rights of Nature UNAM 2015, First Water Forest Forum and Forum Towards a Low Carbon Mexican Energy System, in the Chamber of Deputies 2019, colloquium on Maíz Criollo Club of Journalists 2019.
• Currently collaborates with Teatro de Ciertos Habitantes A.C. where she is the executive director of the artistic and environmental project called “ArtBoretum, Center for Creation, Education and Meeting of the Performing Arts” unique in its kind in Latin America.
EcoSapien Talk #9

Today’s Speaker: Albert Bates, Emergency Planetary Technician, Ecovillage Expert
A Conversation about Ecovillages, Emergent Solutions for Climate Change, and Lessons from the Haudenosaunee
Bio: Albert Bates, Emergency Planetary Technician, Ecovillages Expert
Albert is the founder (1974) and president of Global Village Institute for Appropriate Technology, a non-profit scientific research, development and demonstration organization with projects on six continents. He is also Chief Permaculture Officer (2015) for Qi, a COOL DESIGN services company focusing on trillionization, climate stabilization, metabiophysical entanglement and stranded investment rescues. He is a member of the intentional community and ecovillage movements.
A lawyer, author and teacher and director of the Ecovillage Training Center at The Farm in Summertown, Tennessee, and has been a resident at the farm since 1972. A former attorney, he argued environmental and civil rights cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and drafted a number of legislative Acts during a 26-year legal career.
The holder of a number of design patents, Bates invented the concentrating photovoltaic arrays and solar-powered automobile displayed at the 1982 World’s Fair.
The tools in his kit include biophysical economics, biochar, circular economy, ecovillage, ecodistrict, cool labs, climate ecoforesty, leaf protein, biomass energy, terra preta, carbon cascades, food security, sustainable development goals, permaculture, organic and biodynamic gardens, and holistic management.
Check out Albert’s Patreon Site Here: https://www.patreon.com/peaksurfer
Sunday, July 24 1:00 to 2:30 CDT

On April 12, Jupiter, the Great Dreamer, and Neptune, the Great Unifier, met in Divine Union in Pisces, the Cosmic Ocean of Possibility. The flood gates opened from the higher planes of consciousness to connect in with a higher dream to ground into physicality over their next 13-year cycle.
With the North Node, the collective flow of energy, in Taurus, the sign of fertility and embodiment, through mid-2023, we are in a fertile time to ground in seeds of a new reality of living in harmony with Earth and all of life. The Taurus solar eclipse we experienced on April 30th and the upcoming Uranus-North Node-Mars conjunction on July 31st/August 1st, are opening up new timelines to ground in this higher dream.
Uranus and the North Node meeting is activating the wild genius of our bodies to create the New Earth from the inside out. Uranus in Taurus is activating our bodies to bridge the Sky and Earth energies in a more accelerated way. The veil between the dream, imaginative, and waking realms is thinned and more fluid with the Pisces Jupiter-Neptune conjunction.
Each human holding the vision of a New Earth that honors the sacredness of all life is essential to midwife this new reality where all, including Gaia, can vibrantly thrive. The Earth and Sky are transmitting the sacred codes to us. Through ceremonially connecting with the sacred patterning of Earth and Sky, we can dream through this new reality together.
Jaime Goldstein Bio
Jaime Lee Goldstein is an Intuitive astrologer who has an intimate connection with the Living Sky and Earth. Astrology is an embodied practice for her, and she seeks to inspire others to learn astrology through their direct experience and heart and body wisdom. It’s her core values that astrology be approached in a way that is heart-centered, empowering, and inspiring.
When sharing astrology, Jaime weaves her intuition with her deep studies. She holds sacred space in one-on-one astrology consultation sessions, teaching astrology courses, and ceremony. Through astrology, she seeks to inspire others to live life magically by becoming more conscious co-creators of their lives with the Great Mystery. She is inspired to guide people to access more of their infinite, multidimensional essence to dream through their sacred purpose into being.
Website: https://www.astrologywithjaime.com
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs29qyAva-qQzJW8lmp8Swg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaime_intuitive_astrologer/
Free Gift: Five Day Embody Your Empowered Planets Video Series
Presentation Topic: Benefits of Magical WorldView & Practice
with Gary Caton

An enchanted worldview forms a bedrock connection between ourselves and the environment, both physical and spiritual. By opening channels of communication with the mineral, plant, animal, sky and spirit nations we become able to receive potentially crucial information from a wide, diverse and powerful community.
By seeking to create and activate a chain of correspondences with various mineral, plant, and animal allies, the Hermetic practitioner firmly embeds themselves within the web of Life and fosters a holistic consciousness that is unifying, healing and co-creative.
Gary P Caton is a transdisciplinary Hermetic practitioner integrating diverse traditions, art forms and practices gathered over a full Saturn cycle. Initiated an astrologer by a magnificent Dream in 1993, he’s since become an accomplished counselor, writer, podcaster, teacher, photographer and mage.
Friday, July 22, 1:00- 2:30 pm CDT

A Vision, History, and Spirit of AMERICA
with Katya Miller and Kristen Farqhar
KATYA MILLER is a citizen historian, speaker, filmmaker, metalsmith and mystic. She is writing a visual history about the little-known story of Freedom, the woman whose represented as the Statue of Freedom atop the US Capitol dome – in both an adult non-fiction and children’s picture book. For this research and documentation, she received a US Capitol Research Fellowship.
This project began nearly 30 years ago when Katya received a message from the spirit of the statue. She will be speaking about these visions, the Civil War history of Freedom … also called America, the woman, and the lroquois (Haudenosaunee) leaders she has met along the way.
KRISTEN FARQHAR is the Author of the Environmental Educational Children’s Series that spear-headed the successful outreach program for Florida’s Young Friends of the Everglades called, Voices of the Earth. Kristen is also an Artist and Singer-Songwriter who works to further develop and expand her program into other states for families, groups and schools as she practices her healing work as a CMT and Somatic Sound Therapist in Oregon. Website: Somatic Sound Therapeutics
Links for books:Florida books check: https://everglades.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/VoicesofEarth-v2.pdf
Music to Sing for the Florida Everglades: Original music arranged and scored for children and adult chorus for the love of the Florida Everglades!!: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=758086618344907 Sheet music available upon request.
Author Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/KFarquhar.AuthorArtist
AstroAlchemy Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnvironmentalVoice/
My Youtube Channel with many Playlists. Check Lady Freedom Circle Playlist!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkDoAXCoA6FKFeV1_GgxXRQ
Thursday, July 21, 1:00 to 2:30 pm CDT
A Conversation with Aurora Heartsong

Bio: Aurora Heartsong is everything and no thing. A fulcrum in this world, holding a bold balance of boundaries while simultaneously understanding the limitless potential reach of the extents of our soul fields.
As a Sag Sun, Moon, with Aries rising, Aurora lives with the authentic knowingness that fire will not stay between the lines.
On the 11th of the 11th in 2011, in her 11th year of military service, Aurora walked through an intense portal of change when she placed her Air Force issued boots onto the Sacred soil of an ancient land, Afghanistan, to commence a 5 month tour of duty.
This led to a deeply transformational time track which culminated in 2013 with a suicide attempt, a NDE and waking up in a terrifying world as a hybrid soul and no elders to guide her through the past life dreams, or awakened abilities to hear and feel the thoughts and emotions of everything around her.
Through a series of breakdowns and self-awareness, Aurora found her Heartsong and started sharing her gift of music while walking her soul purpose of catalytic agent of transformational change to awaken sleeping souls from their slumber.
Aurora is a landowner, yet considers herself more of a caretaker, of 40 acres in QLD, in Baffle Creek. She lives with a big old dawggie, a grumpy ass cat, many tree spirits, little people and strong protective yowies in a balance of ceremony and music.
FREE GIFT: ‘The Greatest Expression of Yourself’. This is a short, 12 paragraph story of the highest octaves of the soul mission you came here for based on the placements of natal chart. Normally valued at $77, this weekend only until 12am Monday night, AEST, it’s free for your participants as it is personalised and intuitively written.
To receive this gift: Email heartsongcountry@outlook.com with D.O.B in the format 20DEC76 – DDMMMYY Time of birth Place, state, country of birth.