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And Half the Proceeds will go toward Vandee’s Rise In Love Foundation which is dedicated to support individuals, families, and communities in healing ancestral trauma, providing the support that victims need to become victors over any circumstance.
Learn More Here
Invocation by Saraeko Opening the Circle by Tami Brunk and Taelin Frasier
From minute 18 onward is Breakout Session
Kalika Tallou Davis Invitation Prayer and Expanding Core Essences Through Gratitude
Gemini Adams: Womb Sense: Conceiving and Giving Birth to the Golden Era
Valley Reed: Tracking Ancestral Wisdom
Paola Sucúlima De La Concha Zindel Sound and Harmonic Work and Wisdom Weaving Words To Acknowledge the Sacred Land
Carolyn Griffeth: Attuning to our Soul’s Wisdom and Guidance in a Time of Collective Soul Retrieval
From Minutes 17 to 25 are a breakout session which will be edited out soon! We suggest you take this time to mute and journal for yourself on these powerful reflective questions!
Lainie Love Dalby: He(art) Warrior Activation – Igniting Your Inner Fierce Feminine Flame to help usher in the New Earth
Julie Brown: Liminal Spaces – Deepening our Connection to our Inner-knowing
Robin Cathleen Coale: Growing and Developing in Times of Crisis
Samar Ciprian: Crossing the Golden Bridge
This talk includes rich discussion at the end with Samar, Paola and Tami regarding Mayan Culture, the Great Mayan Mother Goddess Ix Chel, and the generosity of indigenous wisdom keepers in sharing their vital wisdom in our times
Amanda Pua Walsh: Bringing the Stars Down to Earth: a Conversation and Venus Pleiadian Meditation with Tami Brunk
Rochelle Schieck: Qoya Gratitude Ceremony and Despacho
Vandee Khalsa: Rematriation and Healing the Collective Mother Wound and Closing
Pre-Summit Offerings
Nathalie Picard or Shendaehwas
The Song to Take Away Fear
“In the light, Young woman, I love you, You are walking in the light.” (translated from Shendaowas’ native tribal Huron-wendat)
In this story, it’s the song the grandmother sings the her granddaughter Sarcelle who is afraid of the world because she has a hard time integrating herself in the world.
Old Knowledge for New Times: a Conversation About Coming Home to the Heartland
This interview conducted by Tami with Sylver was recorded Wednesday evening and will inspire you on why it is important to root in place, love the land where you are now, grow your own food, and be the change exactly where you are. Sylver will share her own stories from “Hart City” Missouri and her own life journey rooted in Old Knowledge for New Times.
Summit Facilitators and Presenters
Tami Brunk
Summit Convener and Ceremonial Container
Tami Brunk is an Earth Sky Woman in intimate and ecstatic relationship with the Earth and Cosmos. She is founder of Astrology for Earth Renewal, Venus Alchemy, and the Earth Sky Woman Podcast. She is convening this Earth Sky Summit in response to a vision to Gather the Sisters as Venus Joins the Pleiades. Together we are weaving a web of mutual support in this time of Great Remembering. She will be opening the ceremonial container for this event with support from her beloved, Taelin Frasier. She can be found at: www.astrologyforearthrenewal.com as well as on Facebook and YouTube.
Taelin Frasier
Ballad for Mother Earth
Taelin is a soulful singer and songwriter, designer of sacred land art, ceremonialist, martial artist and lover of wild places and creatures. His poet’s heart has led him on a life journey full of adventure from Nebraska to the Colorado Rocky Mountains, to Eugene Oregon to Asheville, North Carolina and New York City to Oakland, California, always circling back to Missouri where he now resides with Tami. His eclectic career encompasses server, Psych Unit Tech, EMT, Massage Therapist, and Windmill Repair Technician. His great love is of Mother Earth to whom he has dedicated his life since childhood.
Opening Ori Invocation and Affirmation
Saraeko, is a Olorisah priestess of Obatala in the Youruba African Traditional Religion of Santeria. Saraeko has been a practioner of Traditional African Religious since 2000 and was fully initiated as a priestess of Obatala into Iya Omo Lasa in Havana Cuba in 2014. She is also an intuitive Astro-Tarot Reader, Saraeko holds a Bachleor of Science in Gerontolgist from Madonna University and is a Community Gerontologist in Detroit, Michigan. Saraeko enjoys traveling while learning about Traditional African Religious practices and intends to visit the Mother Land of African where the Yoruba Religion originated.
Kalika Tallou Davis, Diné/ Ute/ Belgium
Invitation Prayer and Expanding Core Essences Through Gratitude
Kalika is Salon Tallou Owner, Native Women Lead Co-Founder, Digital Marketing Strategist for New Mexico Community Capital, Quantum Healing Sphere Practitioner
Kalika grew up in the deep forests of Bellingham, Washington, as well as her ancestral homelands, Diné Bikéyah of New Mexico. Her diverse cultural, educational, and entrepreneurial backgrounds provide the foundation for her passion of bridging worlds through the healing arts of holistic beauty, storytelling through media and working to grow a thriving Indigenous entrepreneurial ecosystem. She is a Quantum Healing Sphere practitioner and will share a useful grounding technique to anchor our higher selves to the heart of Nahasdzáán Shimá – our Mother Earth.
Gemini Adams
Womb Sense: Conceiving and Giving Birth to the Golden Era
Never has there been a more important time for us as women to listen deeply to what’s within, to connect to Her – the Earth – and out wombs to clear the pain and trauma that’s been held in the collective from the severance to our natural ways; through domination and power, patriarchal control, media, technological manipulation and mind-based education.
We are what we’ve been waiting for. We have within us the alchemical power to create, to divine a new reality, to inspire, conceive anc collectively give birth to a world oriented around community, contribution, connection, creativity and compassion. By connecting to our Womb Sense we reclaim our sovereign ability to listen deeply and remember what we need to individually do to return to right relationship with our selves, others and the world and prepare ourselves as portals for conceiving and co-creating this new golden era of consciousness on planet earth.
Gemini is a Trauma Resolution (STR) and advanced TRE® practitioner, who is trained in and abides by the Wheel of Consent ®, Gemini works with body-oriented psychotherapy. She is also a Trauma-Informed Yoga Alliance registered E-RYT teacher with over 1000 hours of yoga study with Sivananda, YogaBugs™ and many of the USA’s leading teachers, including Sri Dharma Mittra, Saul David Raye and Govindas.
She is also the author of several award-winning, internationally recognized non-fiction books, which have been translated into Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Dutch, and featured on The Today Show, Reuters, BBC, Female First Family Health and Wellness magazine. They Your Legacy of Love: Realize the Gift in Goodbye, and The Facebook Diet, which been featured on The Today Show, the BBC, Reuters, Family Health and Wellness magazine, to name a few. Find her at https://www.wombsense.com/founder-gemini-adams.
Valley Reed
Tracking Ancestral Wisdom
The butterfly migrates over a journey of 3000 miles, and it takes 3 generations to reach the destination. The journey is passed down to future generations to complete. We are on a journey with our ancestors, and we have stories to tell and a destiny to complete. Our ancestors are standing right behind us, showing the way. Dreams are a place we can connect with our ancestors for the purpose of healing, wisdom and guidance. When we know our roots, we begin to know ourselves in a very deep way. We may find a sense of belonging we never knew before. Valley Reed shares dreams which have been crucial to guiding her deeper understanding of the ancestors, and the phenomenal healing energies and guidance they can offer. She will provide avenues of engagement with ancestral dreaming to put you on the path of your own ancestral wisdom and connections.
Her own ancestral research reveals connections with the Spiritualists Movement in the 19th century with her Scotch German Ancestors, Jacob and Sarah Millisak, who practiced Spiritualism as spiritual mediums. They were also abolitionists and their home was part of the Underground Railroad in Leesville, Ohio. This potent ancestral history resonates deeply with her own path, having strong connections with the spirit world since childhood, and also her commitment to take action toward social justice throughout her adult life. Her dear friend and colleague, Baba Ifayomi was an activist for Civil Rights and a Yoruba priest, who was tragically murdered several years ago. In a dream, after his “Home Going” celebration, he visited in a spontaneous conscious night dream, and took from her hands a contract which read, “Civil Rights” and then gave instead, a contract reading, “Healer”.
Her focus since that dream, has been to fully commit to the path of the healer, and offering her gifts in service, to fulfill her sacred contract, and assisting others in discovering their soul purpose. She also discovered in dreaming, a Native ancestor, introduced to her by her departed father, who visited in a spontaneous night dream and presented a photo of an indigenous grandfather, who carried a sacred pipe. In the dream, her ancestral grandfather showed her that she also carried the same medicine as him, that of the Ancestors. Since this dream, she has focused on learning more about her ancestral gifts and honoring them with loving prayers on this Earth walk. She continues to open forgotten ancestral pathways for others, which can be found in dreams and conscious shamanic dream journeys, for the purpose of discovering the deep roots of soul healing and collective soul recovery, which may come through our ancestral pathways.
She will be offering the following retreats this Fall:
Wild Women Retreat on Dreaming with the Ancestors on October 16th – 18th in S. Oklahoma at Crescent Moon Lodge.
Ancestral Healing and Dreaming Retreat on November 5-9th, 2020 at the Ancient Pyramids of Teotihuacan, and Ethnobotanical Tour at the Northern Highlands of Puebla in Xicotepec, MX.
Find out more info at www.chrysalishealingarts.org, www.dreamsawake.wordpress.com, subscribe to her at https://www.patreon.com/chrysalishealingarts
Paola Suculima de la Concha Zindel
Sound and Harmonic Work and Wisdom Weaving Words That Speak to to the Holy Land
It is time for us to reveal to ourselves who we really are. The messages across cultures of the old and the new are here for us beckoning to re-member and reconnect to our Divinity and to step into the roles that will permit our collective family to restore and embrace our wholeness. Paola De La Concha is a Mexican American singer songwriter and vessel for sound song and breath to embody our whole-holy self.
Paola is the founder of THE SOUND BODY, an online and in presence school for sacred sound and co-curator of the musical projects Madre Mariposa, Palo-Mah, and Suculima. She currently lives in Puebla Mexico in her small homestead and is interested in the slow-holy ways that we are restoring our collective consciousness and livelihood through our ancestral teachings, inner deep listening, and connection to Life and Mama Gaia. Currently she is planting a bunch of food, rooting in her land, and directing the documentary film PAULATINO: the slow-and intentional ways that humyns live. Her Instagrams are @paoladelaconcha @paulatinomovement and @thesoundbody

Carolyn Griffeth
Attuning to our Soul’s Wisdom and Guidance in a Time of Collective Soul Retrieval
Our Souls are always speaking, thru dreams and longings as well as thru symptoms and crises, in order to awaken us to the truth of who we are and why we are here. As an act of grace, when we are out of alignment with our true aliveness, our souls conspire with the universe to create disruptions that reveal what is no longer working, and the greater life that possible. We are in such a moment, a global pause, which offers opportunity to listen deeply and re-chose what would not only revitalize our souls but also the culture as a whole. In her time, Carolyn will offer a primer in soul literacy and share a practice of deep inner listening to the soul’s guidance.
Carolyn Griffeth serves as a spiritual mentor and guide to women far and wide seeking liberation from the yoke of patriarchy, and to live their most soulful lives in service to the World’s healing. As a spiritual mentor and healer, Carolyn employs the tools of prayer, shamanic energy medicine, dream interpretation, grief-work, and ceremony to heal and shape reality. Carolyn is also the founder and lead teacher of Earth Keeper Wisdom School which explores the power of community and ceremony for social change and personal transformation and a pastor within a womanist spiritual community called Spirit Rising in St. Louis, Mo. Contact her at: carolyngriffeth@gmail.com
Lainie Love Dalby
He(art) Warrior Activation – Igniting Your Inner Fierce Feminine Flame to help usher in the New Earth
Lainie Love Dalby is a Galactic Rainbow Shaman on a mission to free Human Spirits that have been told they’re either “too much” or “not enough” to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® and step into their authentic power& sovereignty. She’s a big-hearted ecstatic embodied leadership mentor, bestselling author, ceremonialist, holy healer, fierce trailblazer in womxn’s spirituality and leadership, and an overall catalyst of personal and planetary transformation. Embark on the journey with her at http://www.lainielovedalby.com/ and on Instagram @LainieLoveDalby
Julie Brown
Liminal Spaces – Deepening our Connection to our Inner-knowing
Julie Brown is a New Mexico based intuitive coach, writer, artist and teacher with love and tenacity for healing. Her passion involves assisting clients with healing, transformation and aligning with their own intuitive voices. She works with brilliant clients from around the world in one-on-one sessions to help them in all aspects of their lives. Julie is currently offering a new yearlong course called Awakening to a New Level of Self Mastery which helps students deepen their understanding of their energy, intuitive gifts and personal awareness.
Robin Cathleen Coale
Growing and Developing in Times of Crisis
Robin will talk about the times we are in and what we can do to be the best we can be – to grow, develop and even thrive during these times. She will offer a meditation for Merging of Heavenly and Earthly energies into the Physical Body and close with a live Q and A.
Robin is a licensed psychotherapist, shamanic and energy healer, medium, published author and international teacher, with a private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She offers shamanic and energy healing and counseling to clients in Santa Fe, and remote healing work to clients throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia and the Caribbean. Robin completed a three-year advanced shamanic studies program with Michael Harner and trainings with Sandra Ingerman, and is a certified teacher of shamanic courses. She has studied Dynamic Energetic Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique, Energy Medicine, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Mindfulness Practices.
Samar Ciprian
Crossing the Golden Bridge
For this summit, Samar will invite us to journey to the intelligence and benevolence of our sacred womb space – a fertile place of creation whose energetics exists beyond the body and are available to any person who may seek this healing.
Samar Ocean Wolf Ciprian is an Arvigo Therapist and Mayan Spiritual Healing practitioner of the lineage of plant wisdom handed down by Don Elijio Panti. She is also a Holistic Pelvic Care Provider and Qoya Teacher. Her work with the human body orbits around a restoration of connection to our subtlest and most potent forms of knowing – the pulse of sentient energy that runs through all living things. With the emphasis of tending the womb and yoni present in her clinical work, she is privileged to hear the language of the most primal aspects of our physiology, and the poetry present in the relationship between blood and earth, bone and timber, prayer and Sky. Samar is currently also actively involved in the protection of a forested space which is under threat where she lives in New Zealand. She is an intuitive, poet, water baby and exists in a state of near permanent awe at the magic that weaves the world into being.
“Vandee” Khalsa WahZahZhi/Tsalagi
Rematriation and Healing the Collective Mother Wound
The Rise In Love Foundation was founded initially in 2012 by “Vandee” Crane Khalsa. The mission of the Rise in Love Foundation is to support individuals, families, and communities in creating a culture of safety by promoting Rematriation and healing the collective Mother Wound.
“Vandee” Khalsa began her career as a clinician which eventually evolved into being a fierce advocate and agent of Change. For the last 10 years “Vandee” has been serving individuals and communities as a KRI Certified Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Life Coach, and Consultant. As a CSET and HT Survivor Leader, the most important goal in Vandee’s life is to make long lasting impactful change in society. Please join her in supporting her Mission.
Amanda “Pua” Walsh
Bringing the Stars Down to Earth: a Conversation and Venus Pleiadian Meditation with Tami Brunk
Tami and Amanda share why Astrology is such a powerful Remembering Tool for our time and facilitate a guided meditation connecting participants with Venus and the Pleiades and the wisdom from the Seven Sisters coming to us now.
Amanda “Pua” Walsh, M.S., is the CEO & Co-Founder of Astrology Hub. Inspired by the profound gifts Astrology has provided for her in navigating major life transitions, parenting, relationship dynamics, and personal growth, Amanda is now honored to offer the Astrology Hub as a platform for the tools that Astrology offers to be shared with the world. She brings her extensive background in business, psychology, media, and internet-marketing to the world of Astrology with the intention of making the wisdom accessible, tangible and applicable for those interested in living a purposeful, passionate and harmonious life.
Rochelle Schieck
Qoya Gratitude Ceremony and Despacho
Rochelle Schieck is the founder of Qoya, a movement system based on the idea that through movement, we remember our essence is wise, wild and free. Drawing on the wisdom of yoga, the wildness of dance, and the freedom of feminine movement, Qoya helps people feel the feelings inside their bodies through movement, providing a quick, accessible way to access inner wisdom that can be done by people of any age and movement ability. She graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts Interdisciplinary Degree at the University of Arizona where she studied the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of movement that laid a blueprint for what she would continue to study and create. In 20+ years of continued practice and study, she is also a certified massage therapist, yoga teacher, personal trainer, Shamanic Energy Healer, and herbalist. She synthesized these trainings when she created Qoya, and since Qoya began in 2009, she’s personally trained hundreds of Qoya teachers in 20 different countries, led over 60 retreats on 6 different continents, and received close to a million views on all of her free videos online. You can learn more about Rochelle and Qoya at her website http://www.qoya.love
Pre Summit Presenter Bios
Nathalie Picard or Shendaehwas
Nathalie is a member of the Turtle Clan of the Huron-Wendat tribe in Wendake, Quebec, Canada. Graduated flautist from Quebec City Music Conservatory, and from the Jazz & pop music interpretation at University of Montreal in Canada, she studied in Havana, Cuba with master flute player the Late Richard Ëgues from Orquesta Aragón and at Florida International University with Nestor Torrès. She also plays the Native American Indian Flute and performs in solo, in duet with Chippewa flute maker Dennis dg Hatch, and with different groups like the Nouvelle-France Ensemble Terra Nova, etc.
To listen to more and purchase Shendaehwas’ music visit her page at https://www.indiantimearts.com/
Sylver (aka Sylvia Donnelly)
From a young age, Sylver has dedicated her life to protecting our Earth Mother and Her Children. Raised for many years without running water, electricity, or television in various woods and wild places on Turtle Island, she was introduced to traditional ways of the Native People, and has long understood that we, as Humans, are Alive, are EARTH = LIFE. She passionately collaborates with other visionaries and boots on the ground Change Makers and Story Tellers. Sylver offers the Slate Creek Farmhouse, the Historic Hartsburg Grand, Hart City, and various theatre and art projects as working examples of Beeing the Change She Wishes for the World. https://abnb.melSQx84VJSR# – sylvia@hartsburggrand.com